
The impact of Gypsum on sodic soils

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Do you have large cracks in your soil? This could be the result of excess sodium. Read this blog to see the positive impact of gypsum application on excess sodium and an improvement in soil structure.

Case study: Cation exchange capacity vs Total exchangeable cations, is this another potayto potahto case?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The soil’s ability to hold nutrients is very closely associated with yield potential. Soil management practices that aim to improve cation exchange capacity guarantee higher and cost effective production.

Bare soil

The relationship between soil carbon and bulk density

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Soil fertility is the soils ability to provide essential nutrients in sufficient quantities as required by the plant. A soil that has a high bulk density will not be able to provide nutrients in sufficient quantities, because bulk density influences the soils ability to infiltrate and store water.