Soil carbon

So how do you actually go about building carbon in soil?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The carbon in plants is then transferred to the soil when plant roots and vegetation die and are incorporated into the soil by microorganisms in the soil.

The hype around soil health

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The challenge for farmers is sieving through all these techniques at their disposal and finding that one technique which they understand and identify with – one which is simple and informative enough for them that they would be able to use the results and implement directed management practices on their farm.

Bare soil

The relationship between soil carbon and bulk density

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Soil fertility is the soils ability to provide essential nutrients in sufficient quantities as required by the plant. A soil that has a high bulk density will not be able to provide nutrients in sufficient quantities, because bulk density influences the soils ability to infiltrate and store water.

Soil carbon: A case study in the Tsitsikamma

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Carbon in the soil is stored in an organic (or passive) form and an active form. The difference between the two is that the active carbon form is readily available as a food source for microbes, whereas the organic form replenishes the active form and is not readily available to all groups of microorganisms.