Water use efficiency

Better water use efficiency can result in greater profitability

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By measuring water use efficiency farmers are made aware of where and how much water they are using on their farm. Through this process farmers can identify areas where efficiency can be improved, therefore helping them to save water.

Succesful farming

Farm for success today and the future

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two of the prominent aspects of sustainability are long-term profitability and environmental protection. Limiting chemical nitrogen fertiliser use to only what is very necessary contributes to both of these aspects.

Why care about sustainable agriculture

Why care about sustainable agriculture?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every individual in society is reliant on agriculture for the food they eat. The choices that we, as consumers, make in what we buy, influences the demand which is created for certain products or brands.

Dairy cows

A cow’s rumen is a wonderful thing

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Grass is abundant in the world, and is able to be grown sustainably for milk production. Pasture-fed cows are very efficiently converting a potentially useless form of nutrients into valuable food for people.

Knowing doing gap - dairy farm

The knowing-doing gap in agriculture

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is often a gap between what is known and what is practiced. It is called the knowing-doing gap and I think this gap is especially prevalent in agriculture.

People are important

People are important

Reading Time: < 1 minute

It is important that all employees on a farm are treated fairly and justly, and that their welfare and success are taken into account within their work environment. Farmers, and their well-being, are important. They are the people whose time, energy and effort results in food production for the rest of society.

Milk is a sustainable protein source

Milk, a sustainable protein source?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are many different food sources of protein. Of these, milk contains the highest quality of protein. It seems as though milk, and milk products, could offer a great solution to protein demand, especially with regards to quality, in the developing world.

Animal welfare

Animal welfare is important for sustainability

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Animal welfare is therefore linked to sustainability in that looking after your animals will ensure less need for external inputs.

The Woodlands Dairy sustainability soils lab

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Woodlands Dairy soil lab analyses are used as soil sustainability indicators that form a part of the SWAN sustainable system.

Soil life is energy

Soil life is energy

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Life contains energy, and all life requires energy to function. Energy is found, and needed, in various forms. In soil, the greatest source of energy is in the form of organic matter and carbon therein.