The SWAN system
Effective nutrient cycling - cow
Soil life herd

Providing for your soil life herd

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As a farmer, he said, he sees the soil life on his farm as another ‘herd’ which he has to provide for, especially with regards to food. If he looks after his soil life ‘herd’, then they will look after the soil and ensure that it is healthy.

What is sustainability about?

What is this whole sustainability thing all about?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I feel that sustainability as a word and term has been thrown around lately as a buzz word that people are impressed by, but do not actually understand. Part of the problem is that sustainability is used to describe a large variation of things.

Effective nutrient cycling - cow

Trace & Save operates the Woodlands Dairy Sustainability Project

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Woodlands Dairy, a fresh milk processor and producer and packager of dairy products located in the Eastern Cape, partners with Trace & Save, to implement the Woodlands Dairy Sustainability Project.