How microclimate affects the plant-water dynamics
Stacking enterprises: The next level of sustainability
Stacking enterprises not only adds an extra stream of revenue but in most cases can reduce or eliminate certain expenses.
Is agriculture a renewable industry?
Agriculture has not always been a destructive, extractive process. Regenerative agriculture is the solution, providing a renewable source of food.
A non-farmers guide to how livestock can help the environment
I encourage you to think about farming from a restorative versus destructive, rather than a livestock versus plant-based perspective.
Dealing with the weed problem
Weeds are a real nuisance. Dealing with them can be a mission. Read this blog to explore how to tackle this issue on your farm.
Fungi, the gateway to farming sustainably
We need livestock to increase soil carbon
We need livestock to create one of the few viable solutions available to mitigate climate change. Good agricultural practices can move carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the soil.
Did you eat today, then thank a farmer!
South Africa has a population of around 59 million people. Of this population, there are only around 40 thousand commercial farmers. This means that each farming unit provides food for around 1475 people. Now that is a lot of mouths to feed!
Cover crops – restoring soil
Cover crops are one of many mechanisms that can help shift agriculture from destructive and sick to regenerative and healthy.
Should we always trust agricultural research?
There is a huge issue in agriculture that most of the research, especially prominent research, is driven by the agrochemical agenda.