It’s also about the process
Sustainability is more often about the process, than it is about achieving specific goals and then moving on to something different. There is always room for improvement, and opportunity to become more sustainable.
Healthy soil equals healthy milk
In order to get the desired amount and quality of milk, cows need healthy pastures to graze on.
How do farmers benefit from our research?
Here is a short description of what we do to improve the benefit that farmers derive from our research. There is an example used of a course attended in order to broaden our knowledge.
Effluent, is it really waste?
As to whether effluent is a waste or a benefit, depends entirely on how you, the farmer, use it.
Milk from pasture-fed cows is good for you!
What the cow is fed has a great impact on the amount and quality of milk it produces. What does choosing milk produced from pasture-fed cows mean for you, the consumer, and for your health?
Feed your soil, and it will feed your plants
“The soil is the only stomach that the plant has”. I had never thought of soil in this manner before, and found it to be an interesting perspective.
Watch the Biggs Family tell us why sustainability matters
“As farmers, we are stewards of the land. It is our responsibility to ensure that as caretakers we treat it with respect and leave it in a better condition for future generations” – Bonnen Biggs, Suiderland Farm
Be a steward of water!
Water stewardship is defined as being the use of freshwater that is “socially equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial, achieved through a stakeholder-inclusive process that involves site and catchment-based actions”.
Playing smart politics with your soil
If farmers could challenge themselves and stop applying excessive nutrients in the form of fertiliser, especially N, and rather focus on building soil carbon, that would force the soil organisms to start working (mineralise organic matter) for their own nutrients.
Why diversify your pastures?
Multi-species pastures have become a prominent topic over the last few years. Why does everyone make such a big deal about it?